Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Marsing Family of FIVE

Well everyone, we now have FIVE members of our family!!!!!

Today (Sunday) at 3:15pm our newest bundle of marsing came into the world. She was 18.5 inches long and 7lbs 4 oz (the smallest baby we have had).

Christina was a real trooper. We went to the hospital at 4:00am after sitting at home for two hours wondering if it was really really really going to happen. At first we thought that it was going to be another instance of false labor, but the doctor swooped in to save the day with Pitosen! (the hormone used to induce labor). Then things got more interesting, the contractions got closer and more intense, and daddy to be pondered how wise this decision actually was. The doctor came in at just before 2:00 and broke Christina's water.... then we had the baby (sparing you all the details).

I am writing this on little sleep, so i apologize for the choppieness (?word?) but I will pass the reins off to Christina later and have her write more. I am also attaching some pictures.



  1. Congratulations. What a beautiful family. Thanks for sharing your family with me. Plans for anymore?

    Love you guys. Liz

  2. Congradulations! I am happy for Christina that everything went good. We are still awaiting our little boy in October.
    It seems like every delivery can be a little different.
