Monday, July 27, 2009

Baby number three is finally here. Her name is Celeste Nicole Marsing. She took her sweet time, wanted to break her sister's record I guess. After twelve hours of contractions, when she decided to come she came quickly. At first it was a little scary because she was purple, the cord was wrapped around her neck because of how quickly she came through the birth canel, about 15 minutes according to the doctor. But within minutes the staff had her breathing and pink. She seems pretty mellow, she really likes to suck and constantly has her little hands up by her mouth. Her siblings seem to like her but they seemed almost as excited that they got to spend the day with babysitters and then grandma and grandpa came. Zach was a little concerned that we would be able to bring her home with us. He really liked holding her but needs to work on letting us know when he is done, luckily Celeste didn't seem to mind when he handed her off to Hope without warning anyone including Hope. If everything goes well we should be able to take her home this evening and then life will get really interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! Excited to see the pics and hear that everyone is well.
    Rachel Strate
